About Us

St.John Bosco High School is a Catholic institution founded in 1991. St.John Bosco High School Prepares students for the SSC Examinations (Secondary School Certificate).
The language of instruction is English. Hindi and Marathi are taught as second and third languages, respectively.

Training young people for selfless leadership is one of the goals of education at St. John Bosco High School. So that the students educated at St.John Bosco High School will be able to:

   To promote each student's holistic and integral development so that they are aware of their obligations to their families, communities, countries, and the entire world.
   By aiding, mending, resolving conflicts, and taking a strong stance in favour of moral values like honesty, integrity, hard work, and freedom, they should direct their life to God in faith and encourage their fellow citizens do the same.
   Assisting the students in acquiring the ideals that would not only enhance their personalities but also contribute to a transformation of the current social structure toward one of fairness and equality for all.